Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Being organized is a must if you want to become a teacher. At least somewhat organized anyway... Since returning to school, I have realized the importance of being organized. One thing I have learned about the 'portaportal' is that it can help you organize your favorite and necessary everyday websites. I now use my portaportal on a daily basis and I plan to utilize this in my classroom someday as well. This class is helping me become more aware of great ideas to introduce to my students and I am looking forward to the next new thing to share.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Time!

Well, I will have to say that this is my first time creating a blog. I've heard of other friends blogging but I have never tried it myself. It will be interesting how this turns out. I also look forward to learning more about how I can use a blog as a form of communication between teacher/parent/student.